Council & Business
1 October, 2024
Community hub proposed site for learning centre
A new tertiary learning hub could soon be established in Maryborough, improving local access to further education and vocational skills, if a bid by the Central Goldfields Shire Council is successful.

Councillors moved unanimously at last month’s meeting to apply for federal funding to establish and operate a Maryborough Learning Hub, marking the culmination of four years’ worth of work.
It’s anticipated the learning hub, if successful, would address gaps in pathways to employment and the needs for a skilled workforce to meet local demands.
Speaking at last month’s meeting, councillor Wayne Sproull said the learning hub has the potential to be a “game-changer” for local students.
“Our community has a unique position between Bendigo and Ballarat which is both an advantage and disadvantage,” he said.
“It’s great for when we want to access things not available locally, but that also comes with a cost of time and money — something students don’t generally have much of either.
“We want our students to have access to higher education, and that’s great if you can travel for it, but some can’t.
“Having a facility here in Maryborough that has university quality study spaces that are well supported could be a game-changer.
“It gives our students the opportunity to remain local but have access to the same level of education and it could also help retain some of those students who leave the area to seek further education.”
The learning hub, according to council, would provide a study space and face-to-face support for students — effectively offering campus-style facilities for students who study online.
It has come about through various partnerships between council, the Country Universities Centre, La Trobe University, TAFE, local schools, businesses, industry and advocacy groups.
According to the report tabled to council, a comprehensive range of reports, surveys and activities have been undertaken to quantify the level of need for improved access to tertiary education in the Central Goldfields.
These have included a business and industry recruitment and training survey, student study and work survey, staff surveys, workshops with stakeholders and career expos.
Councillor Grace La Vella said a local learning hub would be a milestone towards addressing local workforce demands and the needs of youth.
“This is a brilliant project for our youth,” she said.
“The critical gaps in pathways to employment and the capability to deliver the skilled workforce to meet the demands of local businesses, industry sectors and key organisations is a significant risk for the Central Goldfields community.
“Establishment of a Maryborough Learning Hub has been identified as a step towards improving opportunities for tertiary and vocational education and providing workforce training and development.”
A number of proposed sites have been considered to house the learning hub, with the Maryborough Community Hub deemed the only feasible location, with an estimated annual operating cost of around $300,000 according to council.
Up to three staff would be employed to assist with operation of the hub, which would be overseen by a voluntary board.