
Council & Business

30 October, 2023

Council looks to curb housing affordability challenges

Parcels of land in Newstead and Maldon could be allocated for social housing if given the green light from the community, as the Mount Alexander Shire Council looks to curb housing affordability challenges. Councillors resolved unanimously to...

By Riley Upton

Council looks to curb housing affordability challenges - feature photo

Parcels of land in Newstead and Maldon could be allocated for social housing if given the green light from the community, as the Mount Alexander Shire Council looks to curb housing affordability challenges.

Councillors resolved unanimously to support an affordable housing proposal earlier this month, which would see 49-year leases on two parcels of land in Maldon and Newstead allocated for the purposes of social housing.

Under the proposal, council would lease land at 12 Steele Street, Maldon and 2A Canrobert Street, Newstead where long-term, affordable rental housing for older residents would be built.

The land parcels would be leased to Wintringham Housing, a specialist community housing provider that works with people aged over 50 and are on the Victorian Housing Register priority waitlist.

To enable the homes to be affordable, leases would be charged at very low rates.

Tarrengower Ward councillor Stephen Gardner said while affordable housing was a lengthy process to establish, this was the crucial starting point.

“We know there is a big need for affordable housing in our communities,” he said.

“This is an exciting initiative which would be fantastic to see to come to fruition.

“We are at the beginning of the process and there’s a long-way to go before we will see new homes in the ground if this project is supported by our community.

“Further funding will need to be sought, and there’s planning processes to navigate — but this is a start, and it’s a step in the right direction.”

The June 2023 Victorian Housing Register data shows there are 342 people on the priority waitlist for housing in the Castlemaine district, while almost half of all households in the shire are in rental stress.

Data from council also shows there are more than 700 households in the shire with an unmet need for affordable housing.

According to council documents, Wintringham Housing has requested council formally commit to a long term lease arrangement prior to any work commencing, as each application will cost approximately $50,000.

Council is now calling for feedback from residents on whether or not they support the opportunity and Loddon River Ward councillor and deputy mayor Matt Driscoll said it was important for residents to have their say.

“We’d like to know what residents think about this opportunity, so we can be sure we’re making the right decisions for our community,” he said.

“In my view, this is a positive plan to help make more affordable homes available to people over 50 who need it.

“I’d encourage anyone who’s passionate about this issue to get online and complete a quick survey about this.

“Council officers will also be holding information sessions in various locations throughout the shire, ready to answer any questions our community members may have about this.”

Wintringham Housing own or manage over 850 units across the state and are an established provider in the shire, having built and now operating social housing tenancies in Lyttleton Street and Lyttleton Avenue, Castlemaine.

The organisation’s CEO and founder Bryan Lipmann AM said Wintringham was eager to deliver a “community asset” to residents.

“We have a proven track record of delivering beautiful, quality, fit-for-purpose homes that complement the local environment. Our housing in Castlemaine is great example of that,” he said.

“We’re excited to work in partnership with council on this opportunity, to provide affordable housing for older people in the Maldon and Newstead areas who have unfortunately been priced out of the private rental market.

“If this project progresses, we look forward to working with local residents to deliver a community asset that will be there to support vulnerable older local residents for years to come.”

Council is running several face-to-face information sessions where residents can find out more about the proposals:

• Maldon Neighbourhood Centre on October 31 from 4 to 6 pm and again on November 2 from 2 to 3.30 pm
• Castlemaine — Ray Bradfield Rooms (Victory Park) on November 1 from 4.30 to 6.30 pm
• Newstead Transaction Centre on November 2 from 11 am to 1 pm

Residents can have their say online at www.shape.mount, by calling council on 5471-1700 or emailing

Submissions close on Wednesday, November 15.


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