Council & Business
8 June, 2023
Council notes action plan update, key projects proceed
Councillors have noted an update on the Central Goldfields Shire Council’s action plan, with 25 actions listed as complete. The 2022-23 council action plan lists objectives and goals the organisation set out to achieve within the financial year...
Councillors have noted an update on the Central Goldfields Shire Council’s action plan, with 25 actions listed as complete.
The 2022-23 council action plan lists objectives and goals the organisation set out to achieve within the financial year, with the progress report for the third quarter noted at last month’s ordinary meeting.
According to the report tabled at the meeting, there are 132 actions identified in the plan — 17 of these relate to council’s focus on advocacy, 44 ongoing initiatives and 71 relate to new initiatives.
Of these, the report shows 25 have been completed and 88 are in progress, while 15 are not due to start and four are not progressing.
Projects completed include a number of advocacy and funding application matters, the upgrade of Philips Gardens’ irrigation system and supporting the establishment of a local pride festival, while underway are projects like developing a community township plan for Daisy Hill, a review of heritage overlays in Maryborough and the commencement of a local laws review.
The initiatives not progressing are supporting the delivery of MASH solar and battery information and promoting community bulk buy opportunities as a review of the program is underway, the replacement of Talbot Town Hall toilets is due to be completed this month, a redesign of council’s website is on hold due to an audit of council’s IT systems and supporting Dunolly to become an RV friendly town, which is not listed as a current priority, according to the report.
Speaking during the meeting, councillor Anna De Villiers thanked council staff for their efforts.
“I always enjoy going through the progress report, it’s amazing to see how many projects the council officers are managing to juggle,” she said.
“If you go through the report, a number of items have already been ticked off.
“Congratulations to all the officers and thank you for all the hard work this report represents.”
Councillor Chris Meddows-Taylor said the report reinforced council’s significant work load, which delivers for the community.
“We have 132 actions and we know as a council that that’s too many,” he said.
“So why do we have that number? Because our community needs us to do things.
“Looking at the list, if we drop things off, parts of our community are impacted.
“Our officers take on a massive work load because we want to deliver those things our community consider important.”