Council & Business
19 October, 2023
Councils seek housing solutions
Ongoing housing shortages in the region have prompted 10 Loddon Mallee based councils to join forces in finding solutions — with one potential measure involving the appointment of a joint housing officer. After receiving funding from the State...

Ongoing housing shortages in the region have prompted 10 Loddon Mallee based councils to join forces in finding solutions — with one potential measure involving the appointment of a joint housing officer.
After receiving funding from the State Government, councillors from the 10 municipalities, including the Central Goldfields and the Mount Alexander shires, came together to develop the Loddon Mallee Housing Action Plan (LMHAP) — which explores existing issues in the area and lists possible strategies to address the community’s housing needs.
With various steps noted in the plan to ensure long and short term impact, the report recommends employing a housing officer for implementing and guiding those strategies.
The required funding for the position is expected to be around $150,000 for a 12-month period and all shires will contribute financially to fund the role partly.
Central Goldfields Shire Council (CGSC) has put $5000 towards the appointment of the official who will support all 10 councils.
“The joint housing officer will take responsibility for implementing the actions arising from the plan and liaising across the region,” council’s general manager community wellbeing Emma Little said.
“[It will] afford [our shire] the opportunity to progress some of this work at a time when we do not have a dedicated housing officer resource.
“Like many other regional locations, Central Goldfields is facing a housing shortage and these challenges are the focus of much of our strategic work.”
Following research and consultation, the LMHAP has identified six key issues affecting the region:
A lack of comprehensive strategic planning for future housing.
Suitable development land being withheld from insequential release.
Lack of infrastructure finance/ provision to support development.
Poor development feasibility in some markets for medium density and compact housing and therefore unachievable sale prices.
Decreased housing affordability and increased housing related stress.
Costs and time delays in planning and development that hamper responsive supply.
Ms Little said it was important to work with neighbouring councils to address these problem areas.
“While councils have unique needs, there are common issues that are affecting housing across the region and the report focuses on a region wide approach for long term impact,” she said.