
General News

20 July, 2023

Large litter shocks owner and vet

In a “remarkable” record-worthy feat, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Carisbrook has given birth to 12 adorable puppies — which is double the breed’s average litter size. While most Cavaliers produce a litter of four to six pups, new mum...

By Prealene Khera

It’s puppies galore for Carisbrook’s Jinxx, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, after she gave birth to an astonishing litter of 12 pups — a highly uncommon feat for the breed. Photo: 210723 20
It’s puppies galore for Carisbrook’s Jinxx, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, after she gave birth to an astonishing litter of 12 pups — a highly uncommon feat for the breed. Photo: 210723 20

In a “remarkable” record-worthy feat, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Carisbrook has given birth to 12 adorable puppies — which is double the breed’s average litter size.

While most Cavaliers produce a litter of four to six pups, new mum Jinxx has a dozen offspring to look after.

Owner and qualified dog trainer, Sharon Hall said that after a rocky pregnancy, she was relieved that Jinxx and the puppies were in good health.

“We had a bit of problem with her pregnancy since she had low progesterone levels and we’ve been keeping a really close eye on her,” she said.

“She delivered before her due date as well so I’m just thankful the puppies are all healthy but it’ll be a bit stressful for the next couple of days.

“I was concerned about her being able to feed them all so I’ve just divided the litter in half and let them take turns. I’ve been sitting with her all night just keeping an eye on her to make sure the puppies are actually latching on and drinking.”

Maryborough Vet Clinic — where Jinxx gave birth — co-owner Dr Liz Curnick said she had never seen a Cavalier have a litter of that size.

“It’s remarkable — the largest litter we’ve had in the clinic in the last eight years is 17 puppies in a Dalmatian but for a Cavalier it is generally less than 10 — having 12 is pretty unusual,” she said.

“They are a smaller dog breed and usually smaller breeds have a smaller uterus, they have smaller puppies and smaller litters.”

Jinxx’s owner Sharon Hall. Photo: 210723 21
Jinxx’s owner Sharon Hall. Photo: 210723 21

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