Council & Business
27 October, 2022
Lucy Roffey reappointed Central Goldfields CEO
The Central Goldfields Shire Council will reappoint current CEO Lucy Roffey for a further five-year term following its ordinary meeting on Tuesday. Councillors resolved unanimously at Tuesday’s meeting to reappoint Ms Roffey for a further five...

The Central Goldfields Shire Council will reappoint current CEO Lucy Roffey for a further five-year term following its ordinary meeting on Tuesday.
Councillors resolved unanimously at Tuesday’s meeting to reappoint Ms Roffey for a further five years from the expiration of her current contract, which concludes on March 5 next year.
At a special council meeting in September, council received a report and recommendation from its CEO Employment Matters Advisory Committee, which comprises an independent chair and councillors Chris Meddows-Taylor, Geoff Lovett and Grace La Vella, in relation to Ms Roffey’s contract.
Discussion of the report was closed to the public, as was discussion of Ms Roffey’s reappointment at Tuesday’s meeting.
However, according to council, public notice of the organisation’s intent to reappoint Ms Roffey at this week’s meeting was given for the purpose of transparency.
Mayor Meddows-Taylor said the reappointment of the CEO was a mark of confidence in Ms Roffey’s leadership and the quality of staff seeking work for council.
“Council has set a clear direction after engaging with the community and are actively working on key priorities which will make a difference for the better,” he said.
“Our effective working with the CEO and the executive is critical to achieving the outcomes we need. We recognise the important role our staff play in this delivery.
“We have a very ambitious council plan and annual action plan with so many exciting projects.
“Councillors join with me in looking forward to working with Ms Roffey for the remainder of the council term.”
Ms Roffey commenced as council’s CEO on March 5, 2018, after the previous CEO and elected councillors were dismissed and administrators appointed.
A Local Government Inspectorate investigation and subsequent report in August 2017 found the council had mismanaged public funds and assets and identified a range of governance failures.
Ms Roffey, who was formerly CEO of the Buloke Shire Council, said her reappointment was a vote of confidence from council.
“By making the decision to reappoint me into this role, the councillors are not only signalling their confidence in me but also their confidence in the organisation as a whole,” she said.
“As an organisation we have achieved a huge amount in what has been a challenging period, particularly over the last two years working through the pandemic.
“I look forward to continuing our work together and achieving great things for this community.”
The CEO is responsible for supporting the mayor and councillors in their roles, managing the organisational structure for the council, ensuring that council decisions are implemented, managing council’s operations and providing advice to council.