
Council & Business

29 November, 2024

Mayor and deputy appointed in Hepburn

The Hepburn Shire’s councillor Don Henderson has been elected mayor and Councillor Lesley Hewitt deputy mayor for the first year of the new four-year council term.

Councillors Don Henderson and Lesley Hewitt.
Councillors Don Henderson and Lesley Hewitt.

Cr Don Henderson said he was extremely proud to lead and have the support of the new councillor group.

“It is an honour to take on this role and I feel privileged to represent the community of Hepburn Shire,” he said.

Cr Henderson has been on council since 2008. He has worked as a self-employed construction contractor and safety and industrial relations consultant.

He has been advisor to the Australian Workers Union and the Victorian Building Industry Board, president of the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council, held a role with the inaugural steering committee of National Women in Construction, was the Secretary of the Building Workers Industrial Union and has served as a board member/director on company and industry boards and the Homeless Building Trust.

Cr Henderson was born and raised on the Creswick goldfields and has also served as mayor from 2013 to 2014 and again in 2018 to 2019, and deputy mayor from 2012 to 2013.

Cr Hewitt has been elected as deputy mayor, also for a one-year term. Cr Hewitt is a retired social worker who has worked in sexual assault and child protection front line services and policy develop-ment. Cr Hewitt was mayor from 2020 to 2021 and deputy mayor from November 2022 to November 2023.

“I look forward to supporting Cr Don Henderson in the mayoral role and continuing to support the community in our new unsubdivided council structure,” she said.

Hepburn Shire CEO, Bradley Thomas, said he was pleased to have an experienced team leading the first year of the new council term.

“Cr Don Henderson and Cr Lesley Hewitt bring experience and leadership to the roles and I look forward to working closely with them as we move forward with some key projects, including the development of an updated community vision and Council Plan,” he said.

“I would like to acknowledge Cr Brian Hood for his work and dedication as mayor over the last two years of the previous council term.”


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