
Council & Business

14 August, 2023

Operating budget increased for projects

The Central Goldfields Shire Council has varied the operating budget of two projects due to increasing expenses. At last month’s council meeting, councillors moved to increase the operating budget of the Central Goldfields Swimming Pool Upgrade by...

By Riley Upton

Operating budget increased for projects - feature photo

The Central Goldfields Shire Council has varied the operating budget of two projects due to increasing expenses.

At last month’s council meeting, councillors moved to increase the operating budget of the Central Goldfields Swimming Pool Upgrade by 23 percent, or $104,546, and the Maryborough Octagonal Pool Re-placement by up to 20 percent, or $275,282.

According to the report tabled to council, the variations to the budgets of both of these projects exceeds the delegation powers of the CEO — that is to grant variations and approve some projects without councillor involvement.

The report further states the Central Goldfields Swimming Pool Upgrade project, which was initially budgeted at $455,000, should have its budget increased to $560,000.

This is due to the age of assets being renewed or upgraded and the contractor uncovering related issues to those that are being addressed in the works package, which were not identified at the time of scoping, the report states.

Variations to the Maryborough Octagonal Pool Replacement project budget are due to a review of council’s procurement policy, according to the report.

Introducing the motion to move the contract variations, councillor Anna De Villiers said the matter was a simple budget management decision.

In addition to its procurement policy review, council has begun a formal review of contract payment claim and variation processes which will allow for efficient contract management.


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