Council & Business
19 December, 2022
Petition calls for changes to Avoca River camping regulations
A petition with over 90 signatures has been presented to the Pyrenees Shire Council, with residents calling for changes to camping along the Avoca River. At Tuesday’s ordinary council meeting, councillors noted the receipt of the petition, which...
A petition with over 90 signatures has been presented to the Pyrenees Shire Council, with residents calling for changes to camping along the Avoca River.
At Tuesday’s ordinary council meeting, councillors noted the receipt of the petition, which was also addressed to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), from residents of Avoca, the broader Pyrenees Shire and regular visitors to Avoca.
The petition requests that DELWP enforce their Land (Regulated Watercourse Land) Regulations 2021 and stop camping along the Avoca River in Avoca within 20 metres of the river or 200 metres of a dwelling, that DELWP repair and restore the area along the river bank and the Pyrenees Shire Council put a stop to camping at the Dundas Street Public Reserve, an area that has never been designated for camping, the report tabled to council states.
The petition also calls for the Pyrenees Shire Council to investigate and select an alternate and more suitable site in Avoca to cater for the increasing numbers of RV campers seeking free camping, stating that in selecting a site, council must choose one that is not in a flood zone and liable to become unsightly, not in full view of residents, not highly visible to visitors, passing traffic and residents and is in a more discreet location.
The report tabled to council stated the petition contained 91 signatures and was accompanied with a number of associated attachments and images.
Under the Pyrenees Shire Council’s Governance Rules 2022, no motion could be made on the petition except that it be received, referred to the CEO or relevant director for consideration or that it be referred to the CEO or relevant director for a report to a future council meeting.
Councillors moved to receive the petition, engage with DELWP and request a report be presented to a future council meeting on the matters it covered and councillor Robert Vance said it was a matter of process.
“I see this as a matter of process and if we follow what’s been suggested, it’s the way to go,” councillor Robert Vance said.