General News

16 October, 2023

Probus clubs come together to mark inaugural month

Members of the Maryborough, Dunolly, and Maryborough Ladies Probus clubs gathered for a special luncheon on Thursday to celebrate Probus Month. Probus clubs marked the inaugural Probus Day on October 1, 2020 which has developed into a month-long...

By Riley Upton

Geoff and Meryl James, David and Kerry Welch, Carol Jackson, Isobel Hawksley at Thursday’s celebration event. Photo: 171023 04
Geoff and Meryl James, David and Kerry Welch, Carol Jackson, Isobel Hawksley at Thursday’s celebration event. Photo: 171023 04

Members of the Maryborough, Dunolly, and Maryborough Ladies Probus clubs gathered for a special luncheon on Thursday to celebrate Probus Month.

Probus clubs marked the inaugural Probus Day on October 1, 2020 which has developed into a month-long celebration of the organisation’s work and support of residents.

Over 50 Probus members from the three local clubs attended, along with mayor Grace La Vella, Maryborough Rotary Club president Geoff James and representatives from the Probus Club of Ballarat Gardens, and ambassadors, David and Kerry Welch.

Probus is an organisation that provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially with like-minded people in their local community and take part in activities and events.

Although there are a number of benefits to joining a Probus club, members say time and time again that the friendships they’ve made and the social connections they’ve forged are among the highlights.

Maryborough Ladies Probus Club president Meryl James said Probus’ mantra of friendship, fellowship and fun continues to ring true.

“We saw Probus Month as an opportunity to bring the three clubs together for our area,” she said.

“Probus has a lot to offer to the community, I know our particular club has had 14 new members in the last 18 months which coming out of COVID is fantastic.

“Probus is a way for people to socialise, experience new things and have a laugh or two along the way.

“The Probus saying of friendship, fellowship and fun is really true for us.”

Mr Welch said that for him, joining Probus was one of the best things he’s done.

“Probus month is a new concept, it used to be held as a single day on October 1, but I expect this month-long celebration will grow in size over the years to come,” he said.

“When we moved to Ballarat we didn’t know anybody and someone suggested we came along to a Probus meeting.

“That gave us essentially an instant 50 or 60 friends and led to a whole lot of social events we wouldn’t have thought about doing.

“Joining Probus is probably one of the best things I’ve ever done and I’m keen to see others get as much out of the organisation as I have.”

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