
General News

18 July, 2024

Scholarships available for students

A round of university and vocational scholarships is now available for local students planning to begin their studies next year. Youthrive Victoria’s Rural University and Rural Chances scholarships are now open for applications, with 10 available...

By Maryborough Advertiser

Youthrive Victoria director Bob Yeates with 2024 University Scholarship recipient Katherine Wagner.
Youthrive Victoria director Bob Yeates with 2024 University Scholarship recipient Katherine Wagner.

A round of university and vocational scholarships is now available for local students planning to begin their studies next year.

Youthrive Victoria’s Rural University and Rural Chances scholarships are now open for applications, with 10 available for prospective university students and 20 for those seeking vocational (TAFE) training.

The scholarships support year 12 students who plan to undertake university studies, or further develop skills through vocational training, with $10,000 per year for three years in the case of university scholarships, and up to $5000 available for vocational scholarships.

These scholarships provide financial support to assist with living expenses and travel costs, specifically addressing the needs of students from regional areas. Youthrive Victoria also offers mentoring, capacity building and development opportunities to scholarship recipients.

Youthrive Victoria CEO Andrew McGucklian said the impact scholarships can have for regional students can’t be understated.

“We believe that our scholarships and programs are helping to create positive outcomes for students from rural and regional Victoria and hope to see a large number of applications for both our university and TAFE scholarships this year,” he said.

To meet the eligibility criteria for the vocational scholarships, applicants will need to:
• Be 16-24 years of age
• Hold a current health care card, or can provide evidence of significant financial hardship
• Identify a TAFE qualification (certificate III or above) they would like to enrol in or are enrolled in an apprenticeship they would like to undertake
• Be willing to be accountable for the use of scholarship funds
• Be willing to participate in publicity/promotional material and research

To be eligible for the university scholarships, students must ensure they are:
• An Australian citizen or have Australian residency status
• Are registered VCE students attending a secondary school in Victoria
• Propose to accept a full-time undergraduate place at a Victorian university
• Will be under the age of 21 as of January 1 in the year they commence their degree

University scholarship applications are now open, and close on August 23. Rural Chances vocational scholarships are now open, and close on November 4.

More information about Youthrive Victoria’s scholarships and how to apply is available at: www.youthrive


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