
General News

28 September, 2023

Service award for local florist

Maryborough florist Alan Randell-Smith has been recognised as the longest serving ambassador for international floristry company Smithers-Oasis, receiving an award for his 35 years in the role. Mr Randell-Smith was presented with a certificate of...

By Riley Upton

Alan Randell-Smith received a certificate marking his 35 years as ambassador with Smithers-Oasis from the company’s managing director John Warner earlier this week. Photo: 290923 02
Alan Randell-Smith received a certificate marking his 35 years as ambassador with Smithers-Oasis from the company’s managing director John Warner earlier this week. Photo: 290923 02

Maryborough florist Alan Randell-Smith has been recognised as the longest serving ambassador for international floristry company Smithers-Oasis, receiving an award for his 35 years in the role.

Mr Randell-Smith was presented with a certificate of recognition earlier this week from the company, which is a leading manufacturer and marketer of floral foam, design tools and accessories.

The company’s longest serving ambassador world-wide, Mr Randell-Smith said he jumped at the opportunity to become an am-bassador, something that’s opened many doors for him.

“Thirty-five years ago I was asked to be an ambassador for their product here in Australia and I was only a young designer in those days,” he said.

“It was a great opportunity for me, it was a feather in my cap and a great trust by the company to give me their product to promote.

“I’ve travelled extensively promoting the company’s products, I’ve been through south-east Asia, Africa and all over the place — it’s been a great life.”

As an ambassador, Mr Randell-Smith has promoted Smithers-Oasis products at product and design shows and in promotional maga-zines and publications.

Mr Randell-Smith has been in the industry since he was 28 and as an award-winning florist himself, said he’s enjoyed his time as an ambassador so much he didn’t realise 35 years had passed.

“I didn’t realise I’d been doing this that long, I’ve loved it,” he said.

“Now in the twilight of my career it’s been wonderful to look back on and all the experiences it’s provided me with.

“You look back at your CV and it’s amazing to see all that you’ve achieved — it’s quite humbling really, this isn’t something I was expecting at all.”

Smithers-Oasis managing director John Warner congratulated Mr Randell-Smith on the award.

“Alan is recognised and respected world-wide in the industry,” he said.

“As an ambassador he’s been exceptional for us, he’s been very good to deal with and is well known world-wide.

“He’s our longest serving ambassador in the world and we have 23 operating units worldwide — Alan has never let us down, he’s been fantastic.”


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