General News
6 August, 2024
Telsta’s 3G shutdown looms
Expanded Telstra 4G mobile coverage is now available across the Central Goldfields Shire, meaning residents are able to enjoy the benefits of 4G ahead of the 3G network shutdown.
The shutdown of the provider’s 3G network will occur on August 31, meaning devices that rely on the network will need to be updated.
Telstra’s regional general manager for western and northern Victoria, Steve Tinker, said there are a number of ways Telstra customers can prepare for the change.
“When we announced the shut-down of our 3G network in 2019 Telstra committed to expanding our 4G service to match the existing 3G footprint before we switched off 3G services,” he said.
“Now local upgrade work has been completed and our testing shows equivalent Telstra 4G coverage is there, the final step is making sure our customers aren’t using 3G network only devices or have a 4G mobile phone that require a 3G network to make calls to Triple Zero.
“The easiest way to check your mobile devices is to use Telstra’s free 3G SMS Checker.
“This tool will show customers who use the Telstra mobile network if their mobile phone is impacted by the 3G network closure, and if so, any action they need to take.
“The SMS checker tests the service number you are texting from. If customers simply text the number ‘3’ to 3498, we’ll text you back telling you if you need to take any action.”
According to Telstra, this service works for people using mobile devices on the Telstra network, other carriers that use the Telstra network and now people on Optus-based networks.
Telstra has also introduced a short voice recording on all 3G impacted devices that is played before every outgoing call (excluding Triple Zero calls) to help alert customers they need to act soon.
To make the most of the available 4G coverage, it’s important residents are using a compatible 4G device.
For people that live on the edge of coverage in regional areas, if they need to purchase a new 4G device, Telstra encourages them to look for devices that are blue tick certified.
“Not all devices are created equal, and mobile coverage can be impacted by a variety of factors,” Mr Tinker said.
“How your device detects and connects with our network, particularly if you’re on the edge of a coverage zone, matters.
“Blue tick devices have been thoroughly tested to ensure they’re able to maximise coverage reach.
“If people are wanting to find our more about the 3G closure or if their devices are 4G compatible, we encourage them to visit our website or contact their nearest Telstra store.”