Victoria moves to COVIDSafe Summer restrictions ahead of schedule
3 min read

As Victoria checked off its 38th consecutive day of no new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the state also embraced newly eased restrictions on face masks, gatherings in homes and new regulations for patrons at hospitality venues.

While initially indicating the state would not have restrictions relaxed until December 13, on Sunday Premier Daniel Andrews announced the state would move to COVIDSafe Summer rules from midnight, December 6.

Premier Andrews praised Victorians for the long running streak of no new cases.

“This is a remarkable achievement, it is something every Victorian owns, it’s something every

Victorian has built through their sacrifice, all they’ve given up, the character they’ve shown and the compassion they have extended to each other,” he said.

“Like most incredibly valuable things, this thing is precious and fragile. While today (Sunday) we can take some big steps, not to normal but to a COVIDSafe summer, we all need to remain vigilant and we all need to play our part.

“Nothing is more important than getting tested as soon as you register any symptom.”

Venues where larger numbers of people gather like hospitality, beauty services and gyms have now moved to a square metre rule, ditching the patron cap, while restrictions on when face masks must be worn have relaxed significantly.

Restriction changes now in effect include:

Face masks

• Masks must be carried on your person at all times. They must be worn at indoor department stores, supermarkets and shopping centres such as Maryborough’s Goldfields Shopping Centre, on public transport and in taxis.

Premier Andrews said even in locations where masks are not mandatory, Victorians are urged to continue wearing them.

“In other settings, masks continue to be strongly recommended, indoors or outdoors, when that 1.5 metre physical distancing can’t be maintained,” he said.

“That is advisory, in the strongest terms, but it is not mandatory. We encourage people to wear a mask wherever they can. To be clear, everyone must carry a mask.

“We’ll have another look at this into January and see whether those rules can change.”


• Residents can now have up to 30 visitors to their home, from multiple households, per day.

• Up to 100 people from any number of households can now gather outdoors.

Religious ceremonies and services

• Weddings, funerals and religious gatherings have a one person per two square metres rule, with no cap on patrons.

Community and entertainment venues

• Venues including libraries will move to a one person per two square metres rule.

• Indoor non-seated venues like galleries will be able to have up to 50 percent of total capacity with a cap of 1000 people and one person per two square metres.

• Seated entertainment venues, both indoors and outdoors, can have up to 75 percent of fixed seated capacity with a maximum of 1000 people.

Hospitality/ accommodation/ pools

• There will no longer be a cap on patrons attending hospitality venues both indoors and outdoors — instead a limit of one person per two square metres will apply.

• Up to 25 patrons will be permitted in venues before the square metre rule applies, meaning there’ll be no density limits for smaller venues if the patron number is under 25.

• Accommodation bookings are restricted to the private gathering limit — the person or household booking the accommodation can have up to 30 visitors.

• Pools and spas must follow the one person per four square metre rules indoors and one person per two square metres outdoors.

Beauty services

• Face masks will no longer be required for services, however the one person per two square metres rule will apply when using electronic record keeping — for those not using electronic records the limit will be one person per four square metres.

For changes to sport restrictions, see Page 23.

Office-based work places in the private sector, currently allowed 25 percent of staff capacity, will be able to move to 50 percent of employees on-site from January 11.

The Premier indicated the new restrictions will apply for the coming months.

“These restrictions will apply for most of the summer,” he said.

“We’ll come back and review some of these towards the end of January but these will be the settings for the next couple of months.

“Victoria, enjoy your summer. You’ve earned it.”